Monday, May 28, 2012

Fireflies and Fungus; National Photo Month, Day 28

Found this growing in my garden this morning. No shrinking violet, it measures more than three inches across.

Fungi have always made me think of the Beatrix Potter tales. Can't you just imagine some of her little critter creations taking shelter under the canopy of this great umbrella?

Did you know that before Beatrix Potter wrote The Tale of Peter Rabbit, she was a mycologist--a person who studies fungi? She illustrated her scientific findings in hundreds of drawings and watercolors, which are now on exhibit in the Armitt Museum in Ambleside, England.

To add to the magic of this unusually warm month of May, THE FIREFLIES HAVE ARRIVED!

For the past two nights, several of them have danced in the darkness, putting on a nice glow show along the edge of the woods in our back yard.

Oh, how I love the magic of firefly nights.

Make it a great day!


  1. Fabulous photos...and yes you do expect a wee fairy to be sitting in the shade of the fungi umberella.

  2. The Tale of Peter Rabbit is one of my all time favorite books. My mother read it to me, and now I read it to my grandchildren. I have several copies of this book with slightly different versions. I learned something new today about Beatrix Potter being a mycologist, I would have enjoyed visiting the Armitt Museum to view her works of art. Another stunning photo, thanks for sharing.

  3. Fungi are so fascinating. Great photos.

  4. I love it! Thanks for linking up!

  5. I love taking fungi pictures when I'm in the woods.


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